
*Sambucus nigra*, elder tree

We wild-crafted from local Otago trees only. Berry bunches are then placed on a drying rack to air dry naturally

Price: $25 per 100g

Buy: Hit the ‘contact’ tab to learn how you can purchase this product

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BREW +COLOUR 20mins-upto 8hrs, light purple to purple

Use 1 heaped tbsp per cup (250ml). Pour just boiled water over the BERRIES, cover and infuse for recommended time. Strain and then enjoy!
1-3 cups per day

Use 1-2 tsp per 2 cups (500ml). Place herb and water in a saucepan. Bring up to a gentle boil, then cover with a lid and simmer lightly for 20mins. Strain and then enjoy!
1-3 cups per day

*If you like this product, try our elderberry infused vinegar!

Rosehip - SOLD OUT

*Rose canina*,  dog rose

We wild-crafted from local Otago bushes only. Rosehips are then placed on a drying rack to air dry naturally

Price: $15 per 100g /or $50 per 500g

Buy: Hit the ‘contact’ tab to learn how you can purchase this product


BREW +COLOUR 20mins-upto 8hrs, light pink to a flush of red

Use 1 heaped tbsp per cup (250ml). Pour just under boiling water over the ROSEHIPS, cover and infuse for recommended time. Strain and then enjoy!
1-3 cups per day.

*Note- Keep the water just under boiling, as it may reduce the vit-C content if it is too hot!

Use 1-2 tsp per 2 cups (500ml). Place herb and water in a saucepan. Bring up to a gentle boil, then cover with a lid and simmer lightly for 20mins. Strain and then enjoy!
1-3 cups per day

Hawthorn - SOLD OUT

*Crataegus spp,* hawthorn

We wild-crafted from local Otago trees only. Berry bunches are then placed on a drying rack to air dry naturally

Price: $15 per 100g /or $50 per 500g

Buy: Hit the ‘contact’ tab to learn how you can purchase this product


BREW +COLOUR 20mins-upto 8hrs, light amber to amber

Use 1 heaped tbsp per cup (250ml). Pour just boiled water over the BERRIES, cover and infuse for recommended time. Strain and then enjoy!
1-3 cups per day

Use 1-2 tsp per 2 cups (500ml). Place herb and water in a saucepan. Bring up to a gentle boil, then cover with a lid and simmer lightly for 20mins. Strain and then enjoy!
1-3 cups per day


Motherwort - SOLD OUT

*Leonurus cardiaca*, motherwort

Homegrown and completely spray-free. We harvest the motherwort leaf just as the plant is coming into full bloom

Price: $20 per 100g /or $70 per 500g

Buy: Hit the ‘contact’ tab to learn how you can purchase this product

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*Extremely bitter taste! Recommened to make other remedies.

BREW +COLOUR 2-5mins, light green

Use 1 tsp per cup (250ml). Pour just boiled water over the LEAVES, cover and infuse for recommended time. Strain and then enjoy!
1-3 cups per day

Milky oat tops - SOLD OUT

*Avena sativa*, oats

Homegrown and completely spray-free. Our oat TOPS are harvested at the optimal milky stage and then immediately hung to dry in the darkness of our drying room

Price: $20 per 100g

Buy: Hit the ‘contact’ tab to learn how you can purchase this product


*This product contains gluten

BREW +COLOUR 20mins-upto 8hrs, light sand tones, increasing to golden

Use 1 heaped tbsp per cup (250ml). Pour just boiled water over the oat TOPS, cover and infuse for recommended time. Strain and then enjoy!
1-3 cups per day

DECOCTION TIPS:Use 1-2 tsp per 2 cups (500ml). Place herb and water in a saucepan. Bring up to a gentle boil, then cover with a lid and simmer lightly for 20mins. Strain and then enjoy!

1-3 cups per day

Lemon verbena

*Aloysia citrodora* lemon beebrush

Homegrown and completely spray-free. The name ‘citrodora’ is a good indication of this plants flavour, being lemony-lime like with an absolutely addictive aroma!

Price: $20 per 100g

Buy: Hit the ‘contact’ tab to learn how you can purchase this product


BREW +COLOUR 15-20mins, light lemon to light lime

Use 1-2 heaped tsp per cup (250ml). Pour just boiled water over the herb, cover and infuse for recommended time. Strain and then enjoy!
1-3 cups per day

Oat straw - Sold out

*Avena sativa*, oats

Homegrown and completely spray-free. Our oat STRAW is harvested at the optimal milky stage and hung to dry in the darkness of our drying room. Once dry, the straw is separated from the oats

Price: $20 per 100g /or $70 per 500g

Buy: Hit the ‘contact’ tab to learn how you can purchase this product

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*Oats tops contain gluten. We have done our best to separate them out.

BREW +COLOUR 20mins-upto 8hrs, light sand tones, increasing to golden

Use 1 heaped tbsp per cup (250ml). Pour just boiled water over the oat STRAW, cover and infuse for recommended time. Strain and then enjoy!
1-3 cups per day

Use 1-2 tsp per 2 cups (500ml). Place herb and water in a saucepan. Bring up to a gentle boil, then cover with a lid and simmer lightly for 20mins. Strain and then enjoy!
1-3 cups per day

Marshmallow - SOLD OUT

*Althaea officinalis*, marshmallow

Homegrown and completely spray-free. We harvest our marshmallow leaf and flower at the optimal stage, when the plants are just  begining to blossum

Price: $20 per 100g

Buy: Hit the ‘contact’ tab to learn how you can purchase this product

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BREW +COLOUR 15-20mins, no colour

Use 1 heaped tbsp per cup (250ml). Pour just boiled water /or cold water over the herb, cover and infuse for recommended time. Strain and then enjoy!
1-3 cups per day