Chakra balm

Wildcrafted kānuka + St John’s wort + rosehip & homegrown lavender + sage + Calendula infused sweet almond oil & organic NZ beeswax

Price: 30g = $20

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This balm contains a plant for each chakra:

  • Lavender – blue, violet – head & throat

  • Kānuka – green – heart & lung

  • St John’s wort – yellow – solar plexus

  • Calendula – orange – navel

  • Rosehip – red – base chakra

It can be used as part of a ritual, in the morning when you get up for example, or before meditation or yoga practice. This idea of this blend of plants is to help you centre and ground yourself. It is also a great healing balm for bruises, cuts, burns, etc., as all those plants are great healers. Make it yours and tell us how you like it!


Chickweed balm

Homegrown chickweed infused sweet almond oil & organic NZ beeswax

Price: 30g = $20

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SOLD OUT.. Coming back soon!

Chickweed has a cooling effect and will also help to relieve any skin irritation. Chickweed has traditionally been used to treat skin disorders.


No itch plantain balm

Homegrown plantain + chickweed infused sweet almond oil & organic NZ beeswax

Price: 30g = $20

Buy: Hit the ‘contact’ tab to learn how you can purchase this product

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This balm will help to ease any itchiness due to an insect bite. Plantain has traditionally been used to soothe itching and skin irritation. Chickweed has a cooling effect and will also help to relieve any skin irritation. Chickweed has traditionally been used to treat skin disorders.

St john's wort oil

St John’s wort infused sweet almond oil


Price: 50ml = $20

Buy: Hit the ‘contact’ tab to learn how you can purchase this product

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*Note- this can be made with sunflower oil for nut allergies